About Erika

A 20 something part time student, full time worker and 24/7 day dreamer. Self confessed beauty junkie, loves music and binge watching youtube videos!

Saturday, 4 April 2015


Hi there! My names Erika, I'm just an average 20 something from the UK, wanting to share my passion for all things beauty related and letting you have a peep at my journey through life at the same time. 

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a long while but have always managed to talk myself out of it; what if no one reads it? what if no one actually likes it? etc etc. But I've come to realise that if I want to blog, I should be doing it for myself! 

So here it is; my very first blog post. And I do apologise for it being a bit craptacular but fingers crossed I'll be able to deliver some semi decent posts!

I'll mostly be posting about beauty products/trends, hair products and general life tid-bits. Feel free to post your views on my posts as well as any requests/things you'd like me to review.

Thank you for coming and having a look see :) hope you're having a splendid Easter weekend <3 
(I know, aren't I beautiful? xD )


  1. i think we've all felt that way at one point or another but everyone here is really great, you'll love it :)

    danielle | avec danielle

    1. Aww thank you :D yeah Im really excited to be a part of it! Your blog is so pretty *blog envy* haha and lordy your hair is luuurvely

  2. Welcome to the blogging world and Happy Easter :) X

